Alte Mannheimer Str. 5
68519 Viernheim
Mo: 10h00 – 16h00
Tu – Fr: 09h00 – 16h00
Sa: 09h00 – 15h00
Su + holidays: closed
Golf with modernity and tradition; Welcome to our golf course on the edge of the Mannheim recreational area “Käfertaler Wald”.
Founded in 1930, our club operates the 18-hole championship course near the city with its parkland course. The layout is diverse and exciting and characterised by its dune elements and beautiful forest courses. The affiliated golf school with heated teeing cabins, floodlighting and a spacious driving range leaves nothing to be desired – various practice greens and bunkers complete the training possibilities. Fancy a short round? You would like to play 5, 9, 14 or full 18 holes? At every end of a section you will return to the starting point and therefor have the opportunity to plan your time on the course individually.
Sporting successes: